The Most Stylish Budget-Friendly Evening Dresses for Spring/Summer

Summer is the time of year where the evenings really come alive for millions of people around the world. From weekend barbeques to al-fresco drinking and dining and enjoying the beautiful warm weather by spending time in the park or on the beach, it’s when many women up their game and go for something a little more stylish to show off finely honed tans and summer bodies. Looking good this summer need not break the bank either, with many beautiful summer dresses available at very wallet-friendly prices.

The shoulder dress remains perhaps the quintessential summer garment and is ideal for wearing in the evening or during the day. Most leave one of the shoulders exposed, making it great for showing off a tan, accentuating a favourite piece of jewellery or simply just keeping cool. They look great with long, luxurious hair and are the perfect way to bring out your neck and cheeks.

Sleeved dresses have come in and out of fashion over the last few decades and have returned once more for summer 2011. This year, dresses with expansive cape sleeves are all the rage and look stunning in red or black. Sleeves made from materials like chiffon look fantastic and are a great way to stay cool too.

The tunic is one of the simplest kinds of summer dress but also one of the most flexible. It looks elegant and understated and the plain, monochrome versions are ideal for the more demure look that a reserved formal occasion, like an evening business function, might demand. For those looking for something a bit more elaborate, various embellished tunics are available that add a little spice to the basic design.

The jersey dress has become a classic over the years and maintains the practicality and simplicity of the tunic while being a little more daring in the cut. Indeed, there are even hybrid dresses available that combine the best features of both tunics and jersey dresses. This is the ideal dress for something a bit more laid back, like a barbeque or informal summer drinks and can be easily accessorised with everything from sandals to jewellery and sunglasses.

The asymmetric dress is one of the more unusual of the summer evening dresses [] and has an indisputable sense of movie star glamour about it. With one side level with the thigh and leading down to below the ankle in a diagonal sash, this is a seriously classy dress that is best kept for occasions where you want to dress to impress.

Isla Campbell writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.