Top Choices for Wedding Flowers Delivery in Winter Season

Her wedding is the most important day in the life of a bride. On this auspicious day, a bride wants every aspect of the wedding arrangements to be perfect and to transition the whole event smoothly. For this, she meticulously plans the minutest details of the wedding such as the theme of the wedding, venue for the event, catering, wedding band, bridal dress and whole lot of other stuff, floral arrangements being one of them.

Seasonal Flowers for Weddings

While selecting flowers for the wedding, you not only have to keep in mind the theme of the wedding, you also have to take the weather into account. There are flowers that are suitable for weddings in warmer seasons and then there are flowers that are more suited to weddings in winter. For example, yellow and orange flowers go for weddings in warm climates whereas red, green, and white flowers are more preferred for weddings in winter.

To help you make an informed decision, we have included some of the top flowers for winter weddings that can be easily obtained from any online wedding flowers delivery shop in Dubai. If you have planned your marriage between November and March, you can have these top 5 choices for bridal bouquets and floral arrangement at your wedding.

Camellia Flowers

These flowers can represent a very deep-seated emotional connection for some of the brides because of their longevity. If your grandmother planted a camellia shrub as a child 80 years ago, chances are it may still be thriving today. In addition to camellia flowers, their dark green and shiny leaves bring out an element of fabulous greenery in floral arrangements.

Amaryllis Flowers

You can achieve the same focal point in bridal bouquets with Amaryllis flowers in winter that is provided by the lilies and peonies in the spring or summer. Amaryllis is easily available in pink, red, white, and salmon along with pink and white bicolor at your reputable bridal bouquet shop in Dubai. Even though single stems of Amaryllis are quite expensive, they usually bear three to six flowers that are quite large in size which makes it possible for them to be the standalone flowers for the table arrangements.


Although Carnations are available throughout the year, their low cost and the spicy scent makes them a desirable choice for floral arrangements and bridal bouquets at weddings in winter. These flowers are available in hues of red, yellow, orange, pink, and purple along with a bicolor variety. Online wedding flowers delivery shops also use sprays of miniature carnations in order to add volume to table centerpieces in addition to using standard carnations.

Ranunculus Flowers

The Peak time for Ranunculus flowers is between January and May. A lot of bridal bouquet shop owners suggest using these lush flowers as a substitute when a price of roses skyrockets from February onwards. Ranunculus flowers, also known as buttercups, come in red, white, yellow, orange, and pink.