Spring Makeup Tips and Ideas

Spring is many people’s favorite season. The weather is mild and comfortable and nature is at its finest. Plants and flowers start to bloom and animals wake up from their long winter sleep. You will see bunnies, squirrels, and birds everywhere and colorful flowers open their petals for the first time in many months. Spring is truly a season to celebrate and to enjoy and appreciate life.

If you think animals and plants are the only ones that stir when spring comes, you are wrong because even people in the fashion industry become busy because they have to come up with new styles and trends for the new season. This does not only include clothes and hairstyle but also makeup. If you want to know some tips and ideas when it comes to choosing and applying spring makeup, you should look at the following paragraphs.

Spring comes after winter. This means that you probably have problems with dry and cracked skin caused by the cold and dry weather in winter. You have to solve this problem first before you consider applying makeup. You can use a facial scrub to remove dead skin cells and a moisturizer to prevent dry and cracked skin.

When it comes to foundation, make sure that you choose the light ones. You do not want to have a caked makeup that looks overdone. Remember that spring makeup is all about freshness and comfort. Be sure to choose something that looks natural. You have to be careful especially if you have tanned skin because tanned skin usually requires less foundation than fair skin.

You can use purple shades for your eye shadow. The color lavender reminds you of fragrant flowers that you can usually see in springtime. This color is also suitable for different types of skin and eye colors.

Make sure that you apply blush on your cheeks. Pink shades are the best blush on colors–lighter for fair skin tones and darker for dark skin tones.

The perfect lipstick color for spring is peach, coral, or nude. Anything that looks fresh and natural is okay, especially if you are going to wear it at daytime. Apply a lip shiner for that glossy look.