Best Wedding Venues for Couple in Brisbane

Weddings are unforgettable occasions, and every couple focuses on their special day being perfect in every way. During the glorious summer months on can choose to have their reception outdoors, and during the cold winter months to have the reception indoors. However, planning a wedding can be time-consuming and stressful. There are several venues in Brisbane that offer friendly personalized service and their events co-coordinators will assist and help create a perfect wedding day. Packages are available that are specially designed to simplify your reception planning and make sure your requirements are taken care of. Annually in Australian, the wedding industry generates over $2 billion, with many weddings costing in the region of $20 thousand, and statistics has shown that around 120,000 wedding take place annually.

Australian Statistics has stated that there has been a rise n the number of weddings taking place and that the industry has had to keep up with the trends in order to remain profitable. Statistics has shown that couples married much earlier between 2005 and 2006, and the average age for women was 24 and men 26. However, from 2007 to date couples are getting married later and the average age for men are 29 and women 27. It is noted that more couples are no longer relying on their parents to finance their weddings, but are financing their own weddings. Couples nowadays are choosing to first live together before tying the knot, and stats have shown that around 77 percent of couples that got married were already living together, and the figures are increasing.

Brisbane wedding venues have noted that the busiest month for weddings is March because of the warm weather. However, the months of October and November have increased in popularity. Many couples are avoiding the busy wedding season and at the same time are saving money. There has also been a notable increase in civil marriage ceremonies in comparison to church weddings. Studies have also shown that there has been an increase in Australians marrying foreign-born men and women. There has also been a notable increase in second or third marriages, although the rate of divorce is dropping and now stands at around 2.5 per 1000 of the population.

The global economy slump has created a negative impact on the wedding industry and will see a reduction in the scale and size of wedding. Couples are making their own stationary, accessories, cakes and favours. Over the recent years, couples have used credit or loans to finance their weddings, but this is no longer applicable, due budgets being much tighter. The latest trend is to have weddings held at home due to the economic crisis the world is facing.