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Barring the fact that Chanel did the whole hula hoop bag thing a few years back, and the fact that – surprise! – a metal hoop is not the most comfortable thing to dangle from one’s arm, I like this bag. It’s pretty prada replica handbags , it’s as symmetrical as it is striking, and it appeals to my undying love of circles.The Chinese have a thing for circles. They represent strength of family, unity mihalis , good fortune, and naturally, the continuity of life. Our sentences even end with a circle, instead of a period. Ever wonder why the dining tables in Chinese homes are usually round? The same reason applies. Maybe I’m a little biased to this suede and gold metal bag that even claims to not be a bag with its name. So let’s just throw functionality out the window on this one and call it a snob bag. Charlotte Olympia bag available for pre-order at Neiman Marcus for $1,195 (expect shipping by June 22nd).Wear with: Put a ring around your ankle with Gianvito Rossi’s Portofino sandals. Two simple suede straps add up to a stylish reveal. At Barneys New York for $790.
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