Sometimes characters don’t look their age. Whether it was a deliberate artistic choice on the behalf of the creator (usually to make the character more attractive or to legally fulfill a fetish) or something much deeper and linked to their characterization and the plot, this character will be older than they look. Although still within the normal range of the human lifespan (for that setting, anyway), this character will look noticeably younger than their age. Sometimes even improbably younger; it’s not unheard of for a seeming teenager to be over the hill chronologically.
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canada goose black friday sale Acceptable Breaks from Reality: Subverted. Ivan Drago blatantly pushed the referee away during the fight in which Apollo loses his life. He obviously should have been arrested and charged with murder. A high profile figure like Drago would, however, end up the subject of intense diplomatic wrangling. Drago would be more likely to die of old age than to ever set foot in a US courtroom over a death in the boxing ring of another boxer who fully understood the risks of the sport. Appeal to Nature/Science Is Bad: Rocky’s training is portrayed as more righteous because it’s outdoors in the brutal Russian winter, while Drago’s training is indoors, more technological, and includes steroid use all of which emphasize Drago’s villain status. Artistic License Physics: Ivan Drago has a measured punching pressure of over 2000 psi. Considering the average size of someone’s fist, this would equate to roughly 15000 pounds of force. To put this in perspective, a T Rex’s bite power was estimated at 7700 pounds of force. Artistic License Sports: In reality, Ivan and Apollo’s fight would have been stopped very quickly. It doesn’t matter if the towel was thrown in or not: the referee is obligated to end the match immediately if he fears for a boxer’s well being. By the conclusion of the first round, it was blindingly obvious Apollo was in danger of significant injury. Badass Beard: Rocky grows one during his training time in Siberia. Badass Boast: “You will lose.” Drago Blood Knight: Ivan is revealed to be one when he knocks his Soviet handler on his ass. As this is the first time Drago has shown something resembling respect for an opponent, this is something of a Pet the Dog moment.”I fight to win for me! For ME!!” canada goose black friday sale
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