Heffe3737 u
2 points submitted 3 days agoI know people who lean right/vote republican but don’t share most of my views. They share some, but those are typically the more intro right wing stuff(gun ownership and liking your country). I also know a ton of people who would probably strongly disagree with me. I live canada goose in a very liberal area canada goose outlet so probably everybody around me would hate my views. I dated a girl who believed the opposite from me politically and she didn’t mind my beliefs though, which was weird. 59 points submitted 4 days ago1) Do you think it should continue until Mueller ends it or should Trump/GOP end it earlier? Should it have even started in the first place?The investigation into Russian election interference predates Trump. Mueller happened because Trump made moves to shut down the FBI investigation and the Justice Department reacted to protect Trump from charges that he was trying to obstruct justice.2) Do you think Trump should answer some of Muellers questions voluntarily, or should he avoid it?Trump should cooperate with the investigation. “Fighting back” is what triggered canada goose store the appointment of the Special Counsel in the first place. Fighting back more will probably trigger a subpoena.3) If Trump is subpoenaed must he comply or should he and his legal team http://www.mycanadagoosejacket.org fight it?If it comes to this, Trump has already lost no matter the outcome. If he complies then it looks like Mueller is dragging him before a canada goose coats on sale grand jury against his will and Trump looks weak. If he fights back it looks like there something to hide and Trump looks guilty to the public.4) What do you think of the results this far? Real or not?I think they are real and just the tip of the iceberg. The Special canada goose uk black friday Counsel investigation doesn appear to have leaked anything so far, everything we learned about Russian interference has been pieced together by journalists or leaked from congressional investigations.I very concerned that the US persons who are about to be indicted by Mueller will canada goose uk outlet be connected to the Trump campaign. I also concerned that Trump might do something rash in response to this, like try to end the uk canada goose outlet investigation again.I think, in the end, it will transpire that the Trump campaign hired some people who were doing illegal things to win, but that Trump himself Canada Goose Coats On Sale wasn buy canada goose jacket cheap involved. However, canada goose coats I think that if Canada Goose Jackets Trump keeps trying to end the investigation, he risks impeachment for obstruction of justice (assuming the Democrats win big in the midterms, which looks likely).ecafsub 27 points submitted 6 days agoI understand and appreciate what you’re saying, but her and anyone else’s religion should have absolutely zilch to do with anything. Religion does cheap canada goose uk not uk canada goose belong in politics.You’re thinking of this as representation for Muslims, which is every bit as wrong as cheering for representation for xtians or Jews or Sikhs or Taoists or any other religious group. This needs to be representation for We the People. All of us. Fuck this tribalistic, religious bullshit.Edit: some good replies, and every one has truth in them. I’m not arguing with any of them. My only point is that while we do in fact have religious principles ingrained in our government, I think it’s canadian goose jacket safe to say that Canada Goose online it must stop.The United States was founded by mostly religious people, of that there can be no debate. But those people, while being guided by their religious principles, based our laws and freedoms on humanistic ideals because they knew and understood that their beliefs were not everyone else’s beliefs. This Canada Goose Online is why our laws were not based on the Ten Commandments, despite the assertions of xtians.We need to get back to that. It needs to start at some point. Now seems good to me.FWIW, I am also glad there is another set of beliefs in play. I’m as sick of the Right as anyone else. I just hope she can let reason be her guide.Heffe3737 6 points submitted 6 days agoI understand and appreciate what you’re saying, but Muslims are, and have been, underrepresented in US government. In the 115th congress, there are only 2 Muslims, and 0 in the senate. For a body politic that is supposed to be inclusive, that feels like a shame.Allow me to use an analogy (and bear with me because this seem like a strange one), I heard someone tear into the song All About That Bass by Canada Goose Parka Meghan Trainor, for thin person shaming. While technically correct, just like your comment, it canada goose clearance sale is entirely missing out on canada goose clearance the context of the environment in which it exists. In other words, yes, you are correct in that we shouldn’t embrace this tribalistic bullshit. But perhaps it isn’t Canada Goose sale yet time to be pushing that narrative, and instead focus on the problems existing in cheap Canada Goose our face, such as the fact that government is made up of predominantly old, white, Christian males.Another, and probably better, analogy would be affirmative action. Should jobs/scholarships be given to those most buy canada goose jacket qualified? In a perfect world, Canada Goose Outlet yes, unequivocally. At the same time, there are underlying problems with our society that necessitate setting aside that ideal while we address the immediate issues of race inequality with practical solutions. [score hidden] submitted 9 days agoI think the private companies who concluded Russia was behind canada goose black friday sale any hacking have incredibly biased views. Crimea is a whole other topic, but the short of it is Ukraine had an illegitimate government (they ousted a democratically elected president against the rules of their constitution) that was incredibly hostile towards ethnic Russian, and Crimea was 90% ethnic Russian. Putin didn “invade”, Crimea is where their navy was stationed for over 200 years and they were allowed to have 20,000 troops stationed there.I encourage you to watch this documentary on the Magnitsky Act. Then google recent interviews of Bill Browder by the MSM. There an incredible amount of irrational hostility towards Russia, I think they should be considered a friend.
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